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60 Years
of Connection | Friendship | Partnership
60 Years
of Connection | Friendship | Partnership

OCTOBER 22-24, 2024


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Health, wealth, love, joy, happiness, fulfillment... it’s all possible for you. In fact, Brian's Dad, Bob Proctor, taught us that whatever it is we want is already here... We just need to get clear on exactly what it is, and line up our energy on the same frequency by following a certain set of success principles.
During this 3-day livestream event, for about 60 minutes each day Brian and Cory Proctor will be sharing with you the top secrets and nuggets of wisdom that Brian's Father, Bob Proctor, taught him throughout their 60 years of life and business together.
You deserve to live a charmed life.
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"...Brian writes from a unique angle, processing the wisdom he absorbed from his dad over the years and putting those key teachings into his own words. Bob Proctor’s generosity was a wonderful blessing which came to me out of the blue, without any seeming effort on my part. Life often works that way. Brian explains how and why such gifts come to us or, more specifically, what you can do to make them happen.”
– Price Pritchett, Ph.D.
Best-Selling Author of You2: A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps
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Here's What
"This is one of my favorite books of all time! I couldn’t put it down. It is truly a heartwarming story, filled with incredible inspirational life lessons and golden nuggets. I took pages of notes. This one is a 'must-read' for everyone. I LOVED IT!”

– Sonia Ricotti
#1 Best-Selling Author of Unsinkable
and the world's leading "Bounce Back" expert
“This amazing book is loaded with timeless truths and eternal wisdom. Every page, every paragraph, contains insights and ideas that can be literally life-changing for you, in exactly the form you need, and at exactly the correct time for you. Put up your tray table and put on your seatbelt. You are about to enjoy one of the great experiences of life.”

– Brian Tracy
President - Brian Tracy International
"I knew and worked alongside Bob Proctor for many years. What his son Brian has written in ‘My Father Knew the Secret’ reveals the man behind the name and makes clear why Bob was loved by so many. His life's work was transformational, and Brian shares precisely how that work shaped and affected him. It is a unique perspective that anyone will benefit from. Apply the lessons in this book and your life will never be the same.”

– Jack Canfield
Co-author of the Best-Selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series and The Success Principles
“I had the good fortune to work closely with Bob Proctor and call him my dear friend. And I can tell you - I learned a lot from this book. What Brian has written is a window into the life of his legendary father that only Brian had privilege to.
This book is for anyone looking to understand the path to creating life on your terms. I will be recommending My Father Knew the Secret to clients, friends, and family as a guide to love and success. And I suggest you get one too.
Brian - your Dad would be so proud of what you have done. Congratulations!”

– Mary Morrissey
International Speaker, Best-Selling Author, and
Founder of the Brave Thinking Institute
"My Father Knew the Secret is heartwarming, brilliant, and, above all, insightful. This is the kind of book that will either get you moving again or take you from good to great. Brian has the same depth as his father and the same ability to speak so clearly, that both your heart and mind learn the lesson.”

– Mike Dooley
NY Times Best-Selling Author of Infinite Possibilities
"Lovingly written! Apply one of the lessons Brian learned from Bob each day and let the brilliance of Bob Proctor become yours.”

– Tina Lifford
Playwright, Actress and Author of The Little Book of BIG LIES
“I love this book! Bob Proctor personally changed my life and this book can change yours. Heartwarming, empowering, inspiring. A son’s story of love for a man who lived The Secret, wrapped up in a self-help classic of wisdom. Just beautiful.”

– Dr. Joe Vitale
Author The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits, The Miracle and more
“I met Brian’s Father, Bob Proctor, in January 1979. His teachings changed my life, for the better, in EVERY way. One of the blessings of meeting Bob, was also meeting his son Brian. Brian and I have been friends for many decades and I can speak from experience that Brian not only understands and shares his Dad’s philosophies, he lives by these philosophies every day. I love that Brian created this incredible book to help you improve your life and achieve any dream you set for yourself. This book is one of the best books I have ever read, and I’ve read thousands of them. I highly recommend this book to my loved ones, friends and clients. I would suggest you invest in two copies; share one with a friend and study with them. You will find that will intensify the valuable lessons you will find contained these pages.”

– Peggy McColl
New York Times Best Selling Author and Brian’s friend
"Brian, you nailed it! It felt like I was reading a good novel; I didn’t want to put it down once I started reading. You really captured not only your relationship with your Dad but how he lived. AND the cherry on top were the “points to consider” at the end of each chapter. This addition was pure genius as each reader has the opportunity to not only read interesting stories but also to learn the same lessons you learned from your Dad. I know he’s proud! Congratulations.”

– Linda Proctor
Bob Proctor’s wife
“’My Father Knew the Secret’ is my new favorite book of all time. Not only is it heartwarming and inspiring to read about Bob Proctor, a man who truly walked his talk. This book has given me a new perspective and lens for my life moving forward and makes me want to be a better, more kind person every day. This book really taught me so much and will be my go-to manual for manifesting. And for that, I am eternally grateful."

– Wendy Newman
Innertaining Media
"I absolutely loved reading ‘My Father Knew the Secret'! This powerful and life-changing book masterfully captures the profound wisdom of Bob Proctor, beautifully shared through the perspective of his son, Brian Proctor. Whether you're new to Bob's teachings or a lifelong fan, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking personal growth, achievement, and the ability to make a profound contribution to the world. Prepare to be inspired and empowered to be unstoppable on your journey of growth and success.”

– Cynthia Kersey
Best-Selling Author of Unstoppable
Founder & CEO, Unstoppable Foundation
“It’s not often that I have the opportunity to read a book that confirms my belief that love makes the world go round. I’ve known Brian and his dad for many years and Brian’s book about his relationship with his father Bob Proctor is a profoundly honest and uplifting recounting of the immense impact Bob’s love for learning and teaching has had on everyone he’s ever touched. Buy this book share this book and most importantly find ways to honor the ‘Secret’ Bob spent his incredible life bringing to life.”

– Blaine Bartlett
Best-Selling Author of Compassionate Capitalism: 
A Journey to the Soul of Business
“In these pages, Brian Proctor shares intimate stories, insights, and lessons about his father, Bob Proctor, one of the most influential thought leaders of his time. This book will help you become aware of the unlimited potential already inside of all of us. How to think and dream big, stretching yourself beyond what you think you are capable of. Thank you Brian for sharing your Father with the World.”

– Robert Pascuzzi
Best-Selling Author, Film Producer, and Entrepreneur   
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